Mind Body Simple

Quiet Mind, Healthy Body, Simple Life



Petrichor refers to the distinct earthy scent that often follows rain showers. The term was coined by combining the Greek words "petra" (stone) and "ichor" (the fluid running through the veins of gods). This natural phenomenon occurs when raindrops come into contact with dry soil, releasing aerosols that contain a combination of plant oils, bacteria byproducts, and geosmin, a chemical compound produced by certain types of bacteria commonly found in soil. Petrichor is perceived so strongly due to its association with survival instincts ingrained within humans, as identifying the odoriferous changes in their environment allowed early humans to locate potential sources of water and sustain life. The enchanting fragrance is widely appreciated by many for evoking feelings of freshness, tranquility, and connection with nature.


Phytoncides are volatile organic compounds emitted by plants as a defense mechanism against insects, pathogens, and herbivores. These compounds not only protect plants but also have positive effects on human health when inhaled or absorbed through the skin. Studies have shown that phytoncides can boost the immune system, reduce stress levels, and improve overall well-being. Forest bathing, a practice that involves spending time in nature surrounded by trees, has gained popularity in recent years due to its proven ability to increase the level of phytoncides in the air, thus leading to various health benefits. Inhaling phytoncides can also have anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving effects on the body.

Nature Play

Nature play is an emerging trend in the realm of outdoor recreation and wellness. This innovative approach encourages individuals to reconnect with nature, tap into their innate sense of curiosity and creativity, and promote physical activity through unstructured play in natural settings. By engaging in activities such as hiking, bird-watching, tree climbing, or simply sitting quietly and observing the sights and sounds of the natural world, adults can experience numerous benefits including reduced stress, increased mindfulness, improved mood, enhanced physical health, and a greater appreciation for the environment. Proponents of nature play emphasize its ability to foster a sense of wonder and awe, promote exploration and discovery, cultivate a deeper connection to the Earth, and provide a much-needed respite from the demands of modern life.

Forest Therapy

Forest therapy, also known as forest bathing, is a growing trend of taking time to immerse yourself in the peace and beauty of nature. This practice is believed to help reduce stress, improve mood, and boost general well-being. It involves breathing in the fresh forest air and mindfully engaging with your natural surroundings while walking slowly or sitting amongst nature's embrace. Well documented in Japan as Shinrin Yoku, it combines mindful moments along with natural elements such as temperature change, sounds and smells that can be quite therapeutic. Taking regular breaks into forests or green spaces provides numerous benefits. Even just a short session can provide an enjoyable change of pace from the hustle and bustle of everyday life allowing us to reclaim our sense of harmony and balance.


Interbeing, a concept introduced by Vietnamese Buddhist monk Thich Nhat Hanh, emphasizes the interconnectedness of all living beings and the environment. In a professional context, understanding interbeing can lead to more holistic and sustainable decision-making practices. By recognizing that our actions have ripple effects on others and the world around us, professionals can cultivate a greater sense of responsibility and empathy in their work. This awareness can also foster collaboration and innovation, as individuals see themselves not as isolated entities but as integral parts of a larger system.